Marinated Flank Steak and Whiskey Steak Sauce Recipe

This past weekend I decided to experiment with a new steak marinade. After seeing all the yummy stuff that went into the marinade, I just couldn’t bring myself to throw it away after the steak went on the grill! I decided to try my hand at making steak sauce…and I must say, it was DEEEE-LISH.

Borderline new favorite recipe delish.

Sliced steak with whiskey steak sauce on the side.
Giving you a sneak peak of the finished product…keep reading to learn how to make this delicious recipe yourself!

So, let’s just get down to it.



1/3 cup dark brown sugar

1/3 cup soy sauce

2 ounces bourbon whiskey of choice

1 Tablespoon Dijon mustard

1 Teaspoon hot sauce (I used Chipotle Tabasco)

1 Flank steak (approximately 2 lbs)


Other Ingredients for the Steak Sauce:

1 Teaspoon cornstarch

1 ounce cold water

1 pinch of salt


Marinade the steak for at least 8 hours, turning the meat to make sure it is evenly marinated. When the steak has been marinating long enough, throw it on the grill and pour the marinade in a saucepan.

Steak sauce in the saucepan.
The sauce doing it’s magic…the smell in our home was incredible as this cooked down!

Here’s where the magic begins!

Bring the marinade to a boil (cook off the alcohol!). Once it reaches a boil, reduce the heat to a simmer. In the meantime, mix the cornstarch with the cold water, stirring vigorously. Once mixed, add the cornstarch mix to the simmering sauce. Allow steak sauce to thicken and reduce over low heat for about 15-20 minutes (basically until the meat is fully cooked and rested). If needed, add a pinch of salt for taste.

Slicing the flank steak.
Don’t let the juice deceive you…this steak was well rested before it was sliced. It was also perfectly cooked thanks to the grill master, Tucker!
Wondering what the deal is with all this “resting” business?

The general rule of thumb is that you should let meat rest for approximately the length of time that you cooked it. Allowing the meat to rest gives it the opportunity to reabsorb all of the flavorful juices, meaning you won’t lose all that flavor when you cut into it! Don’t worry, your meat will still be warm enough to eat when you do go to slice it up. Another tip: pull your meat off the grill before it’s fully cooked to perfection. Then, “tent” (loosely cover) it with tin foil. The meat will continue to cook as it rests, and once you cut into it you should have perfect meat!

Finally, slice your steak into thin strips and serve with your Whiskey Steak Sauce. It’s guaranteed to please!

Did you try this recipe? I’d love to know what you thought in the comments below!