Sip of the Week: The Five07’s “Craft” Coffee Pour Over

This week’s Sip of the Week goes out to a beverage that I enjoy each and every morning. A sip that is often the first thing on my mind after my alarm rudely wakes me up at 5:15 AM. A drink that is a prerequisite to any good day (or just any day, period). By now you MUST know that I’m talking about coffee!

A cup of coffee with a mason jar of coffee next to it, taken at Five07 coffee shop
I’m convinced that we need to invent smell-a-vision and taste-a-vision for photos like these. Or, would it be taste-a-tography…? In any case, this pour over is heads above your average cup of joe.
Now, similar to beer and wine, not all coffee is created equal.

(I’m sure we can all relate to the experience of taking a sip of what you expect to be rich, earthy coffee, only to get a mouthful of burnt bean water, right?) In recent years “craft” coffee has been on the rise. Rightfully so! Small roasteries with uniquely sourced coffee beans are slowly, but surely, making their way into little coffee shops, and elevating the average coffee-drinker’s palate while they’re at it.

I am lucky enough to have one of those local coffee shops, The Five07, in my own backyard in Thousand Oaks, California.
A woman ordering a coffee at the Five07 coffee bar.
The Five07’s menu is ever-so-humbly displayed on rolls of butcher paper, which perfectly represents the casual vibe of the coffee shop. No frills, no fuss, just great coffee!

The Five07 opened a little over a year ago and has been such a welcomed addition to our community. They feature unique roasts each week, and make some killer espresso drinks, too. I love heading over there to try a pour over of their featured roast, and my recent trip introduced me to The Boy & The Bear Coffee Roastery.

Before jumping into the coffee itself, I thought I would take a minute to explain the difference between drip coffee and pour over coffee. I didn’t fully understand the difference until recently, and I wish I had known the details of the pour over sooner!

In short, a pour over means your coffee is being made slowly and in small batches.

Therefore, there is more control over the temperature of the water used for brewing, as well as the strength of the coffee. As a result, you will be able to extract the nuanced flavors of a particular coffee roast during the brewing process. Drip coffee makers, on the other hand, have a harder time stabilizing the temperatures during brewing, which can lead to burnt coffee or simply bland coffee. And there’s nothing worse than that.

Now, back to my Five07 pour over!

The tasting notes described for The Boy & The Bear Columbia roast that I tried included pink bourbon, roses, and caramel, with a round body profile. My first thought was “what the heck is pink bourbon?!” Turns out it is a rare kind of coffee bean. So, all you lushes out there thinking that your coffee was about to taste like it got hit with a splash of bourbon, keep dreaming.

Chalkboard describing the Roast of the Week.
Check out the chalkboard by the door of The Five07 for a peek at the Roast of the Week. That’s usually my go-to drink since there’s always something new to try.

What I did taste in this pour over was more caramel and chocolate flavors. It sounds funny to pick out these subtle flavors, but this pour over was undoubtedly more flavorful than any drip coffee I’ve had recently.

My recommended pairing? Order the Honey Lavender Toast.

Spread with a thin layer of goat cheese, drizzled with honey, and garnished with a sprinkle of dried lavender, this simple but decadent toast is a perfect accompaniment to any good cup of coffee. The Five07 Avocado Toast is a close second.

Honey Lavendar Toast and a pour over coffee at The Five07.
This might be the most satisfying little breakfast ever created. Totally simple, and completely delicious. Just like everything else at The Five07.

I love how The Five07 serves the extra coffee in a sealed mason jar while you enjoy your first cup…it keeps the coffee piping hot while you leisurely sip and enjoy the rustic, homey environment of the coffee shop.

If you find yourself in Thousand Oaks (which is roughly halfway between Los Angeles and Santa Barbara), make a stop at The Five07.

They’re open late seven days a week and host lots of events for their clientele, like open mic nights, live music, coffee tastings, and more. Big tables, board games, and bean bag chairs make The Five07 an ideal hangout with friends or family. You can’t go wrong with anything on their menu, and the smiling faces of the baristas are sure to make you feel right at home.

I think I’ve just convinced myself that I need to make a stop at The Five07 today…

For more coffee-related sips, click here and here! Cheers!