Hi, I’m Caitlin.

I’m a Southern California native and self-proclaimed “foodie” with a passion for travel, cooking, fine wine, and hoppy beer. I believe food and drink have the ability to bridge barriers, and that a little liquid courage goes a long way in living a life full of adventure!

My mission is to provide you with tips for doing just that-embracing adventure and enjoying some good sips along the way! I’ve based the content of this blog on my own experiences traveling, camping, cooking, and drinking. With parents from Scotland, family in Europe, and a merchant mariner husband who has sailed much of the globe, I’ve developed a global appreciation for the relationship between culture, food, and drink. What better way to embrace your next destination than to sip like a local (and with the locals)? Count on me to give you the tips you need to live that dream.

Much of my focus features local craft in each of the areas I visit. Whether it’s an up-and-coming brewery, a family-owned winery, or a sweet lady who serves oatcakes and distills Poitin in a cottage as her ancestors did for hundreds of years (yes, this is a real thing), I seek out and support small business and those hole-in-the-wall joints that make life worth living. I am excited to provide an outlet to give them the recognition they deserve and help them thrive!

The recipes I share here are my own, and are often inspired by delicious bites I find while I travel.

I hope Sips N Tips inspires you to get out, explore, and enjoy a good drink along the way. Cheers!

Want to learn more about how Sips N Tips started? Click here.

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