“Blood” Orange Margarita: A Halloween Cocktail

Trick or treating with friends is one of my favorite childhood memories, but I celebrate the holiday a bit differently now…by treating myself with a drink! So, I thought I would try my hand at a “Blood” Orange Margarita to get in the Halloween spirit this year. This fresh-fruit marg (forget that pre-made mix) is a great accompaniment to passing out candy to the Trick or Treaters (or for watching Game 6 of the World Series…your choice!).

Oh, and Halloween is on a Tuesday this year, which obviously means Taco Tuesday! And margs are perfect for that, too.

Two pink margaritas with a black salt rim
The finished product!

Full disclosure: my original plan was to actually make a blood orange margarita…the name is perfect for Halloween, and blood oranges are delish! Unfortunately, I couldn’t get my hands on any blood oranges, so I improvised and made a “blood” orange marg instead…with pomegranate seeds as an addition to the recipe. I think it turned out better than my original plan would have after all!

“Blood” Orange Margarita

4 oz. Tequila

4 oz. Triple Sec

4 large naval oranges, juiced

1 large pomegranate

2 limes, juiced

2 lime wedges and ¼ cup of pomegranate seeds for garnish

Salt for the rim

Juice the oranges and limes into the blender. Separate the pomegranate seeds from the fruit and add all but ¼ cup of them. Add tequila and triple sec and blend.

Margarita in the blender
Before the blending! It looks like a giant tequila sunrise.

Use a lime wedge to moisten the rim of the glass. Dip the rim of the glass in salt and garnish with the lime wedge. (I used black lava salt that I found in a Trader Joe’s “Salts of the World” gift pack. The black salt was perfect for a Halloween touch, but you can use any salt you like. Salts like this one can also be found in a specialty foods store.)

Close up of the drinks
The salt makes for a perfect Halloween touch.

If you like your margarita on the rocks, strain the margarita mix (to get the pomegranate seeds out) and pour over ice. You may want to adjust the amount of alcohol (or not) if you’re pouring over ice…the recipe above will make for a couple strong drinks!

If you prefer your margs blended (pictured here), strain the mix, add it back into the blender with ice, and blend until smooth. Garnish with some fresh pomegranate seeds.

This recipe makes 4 generous portions if blended. It will make a bit less if its poured over ice!

Birds eye view of the glasses
Looks like a “bloody” good drink, don’t you agree?!

Your finished product makes for a refreshing, no-sugar-added cocktail that can be enjoyed on any occasion. I think the color, and the added touch of black sea salt, makes it a spooky Halloween treat!

Did you try this recipe? Let me know what you think in the comments below!

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