The Most Epic Beer I Ever Drank (Hint: It involves the Alps!)

I once drank a beer on top of the Alps. My bet is that not many people can say they’ve done the same in their lifetime!

Views of the peaks of the Alps.
This will probably be my favorite view for years to come. Pictures just don’t do it justice.
One of the most amazing trips we’ve taken to date was in the summer of 2017 when we took a road trip through Bavaria.

I was inspired to do this trip after reading a blog post by Bruised Passports, where they detailed their off-the-beaten-path destinations throughout Germany and Austria. Tucker and I adapted some of their suggestions to our own travel itinerary and off we went. (Psst…I did another post about visiting Germany here…check it out!)

By far the most stunning part of the trip was our visit to the Karwendelbahn. We took a cable car up to an elevation of over 7,300 feet and hiked along the (snowy and icy and very slippery) ridge of the mountain. The views were spectacular.

Caitlin in a cable car.
The little blue cable car that took us up and down the mountain!

One of the most awesome things about being on the top of that mountain was that we had views of the Alps in four different countries (Germany, Austria, Italy, and Switzerland) as we overlooked the mountain ranges in the distance. As we hiked along the mountain top, we actually crossed the German/Austrian border!

Caitlin standing between sign posts indicating the German/Austrian border.
Signage indicating the German/Austrian border.

On the other side of the mountain there is a giant telescope that you can take a peek through, which gives you views of the valley below. Inside the telescope building there is also an exhibit about the unique natural habitat that exists at 7,300 feet elevation.

Giant telescope on top of the mountain.
Check out that telescope!
Caitlin standing at the edge of a mountain overlooking Mittenwald.
The view of Mittenwald from the telescope building.
What better way to soak in this spectacular view than with a beer in hand?

Not just any beer, either. A local brew made right down the mountain in a town called Mittenwald. It was one of those beers that you just don’t want to finish because the experience of drinking it on the top of the Alps is so darn cool.

Two glasses of beer with mountains in the background.
Our Mittenwald Lagers on the mountain top. AKA the most epic beers we ever drank.
If you find yourself traveling through Bavaria, set aside some time to visit the Karwendelbahn.

We spent a couple of hours up at the top of the mountain, but it felt like we could have spent all day there. If you are looking for a longer experience at the Karwendelbahn, consider taking the cable car up the mountain in the morning, and hiking back down to the base. That’s what I would do next time around!

Caitlin standing on the top of the mountain peak.
There was still snow on top of the mountains in late May, and trying to hike along the top of the range made for a very slippery experience!

Where’s the most epic place you’ve enjoyed a beer? Let me know in the comments below!